“Yayyy.” “What is that in aid for? The extent of divisiveness within the country and without is simply mind-boggling and need I add this is evident world-wide – no country is immune and…”
“Well, while recent elections in several Western countries have shown the divisiveness within, divisiveness that has been dealt with not by heeding the will of the voting public but by forming coalitions with all but the far right parties and...”
“Hmmm but the rationale is that their world view on migration, on siding with Israel the aggressor, in their warped mindset, is correct to them while…”
“Gotcha, but that’s not the definition of democracy, right? And another thing: Russia Television is banned in Western countries, including the US, and my question is: are their highly educated public unable to sift truth from fake news?”
“But there is the social media and need I add there are ways to bypass the ban through…”
“There you go my friend, and to me that shows that all definitions, including the definition of democracy, changes over time.”
“What about China and Russia – their governments are stable.”
“Yes but under constant rhetorical attacks by the West – with sanctions imposed be they in the form of freezing sovereign accounts or upping the tariffs, but we digress, why did you say yayyyy? What was that in aid of?”
“I salute the decision of the current A team to pass the twenty-sixth amendment.”
“A team? I had heard of Plan A but A team?”
“Your limited, wait let me amend that, your painfully limited knowledge of events is…is…heart rending. I propose that you take a course…”
“I have no money to spare.”
“Notification Maryam Nawaz is handing out public money for a range of freebies, perhaps you can recommend a course that explains the difference between Team A, which can be changed by The Brown Pope aka His Obstacleship, and Plan A that he merely follows…”
“Don’t be facetious, anyway I am so happy because the twenty-sixth amendment and its fallout has given me hope that as a third born I have more rights to inheritance than…”
“Shut the hell up before you get into any serious trouble.”
“Why would I! I am fully supportive of the 26th amendment, and need I add it is two steps higher than the twenty-fourth letter of the Urdu alphabet that was so dear to The Third Wife, ain.”
“I hope you are being facetious, but in the land of the Pure, who knows!”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2024