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Activities of Karachi Port Trust, Port Qasim

05 Nov, 2024

KARACHI: The Karachi Port Trust handled 213,896 tonnes of cargo comprising 110,329 tonnes of import cargo and 103,567 tonnes of export cargo during last 48 hours ending at 0700 hours.

The total import cargo of110,329 comprised of 59,426 tonnes of Containerized Cargo, 11,570 tonnes of Bulk Cargo, 3,260 tonnes of Chickpeas,10,945 tonnes of Dap & 25, 128 tonnes of Liquid Cargo.

The total export Cargo of 103,567 comprised of 76,996 tonnes of Containerized Cargo, 466 tonnes of Bulk Cargo, 19,994 tonnes of Clinkers & 6,111 tonnes of Liquid Cargo.

Around, 04 ships namely, Apl Miami, Pm Monarch, Bohwa Pioneer & Yantian Express berthed at the Karachi Port Trust.

Approximately, o4 ships namely, Vancouver, Aramon, Southport and Stolt Larix sailed from the Karachi Port Trust.


A total of eleven ships were engaged at PQA berths during the last 24 hours, out of them two ships, MSC Positano and Sanmar Raga left the port on Monday morning, while another containers ship ‘TSS Amber’ is expected to sail on Monday afternoon.

Cargo volume of 204,463 tonnes, comprising 169,918 tonnes imports cargo and 34,545 tonnes export cargo carried in 4,608 Containers (3,286 TEUs Imports& 1,322 TEUs Export)was handled at the port during last 24 hours. There are 12 ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them a chemicals carrier ‘Chem Melbourne’ & two more ships, African Finfoot and Karlskrona are expected to take berths at EVTL, PIBT and QICT respectively on Monday 4th November, Meanwhile two more ships, MSC Rania and Maersk Detroit are due to arrive at port on Tuesday 05th November, 2024.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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