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PARTLY FACETIOUS: It’s more efficacious to act than talk

06 Nov, 2024

“Is it a quid pro quo?” “I don’t think so — you double the numbers and give a five-year term to…” “Quid pro quo means give something in return for something.”

“Right so you reckon the four bills passed by the assembly on Monday are in lieu of all the convictions overturned, with The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless in jail without any conviction…”

“Right, but I reckon that was already gift wrapped and delivered, I would term the four bills an acknowledgement of prevailing de facto conditions (ground realities) rather than de jure defined as legally recognized practices but not implemented.”

“What’s with this obsession with Latin today?”

“Latin is a defunct language, no one speaks it, but it is still relevant. Benazir Bhutto for example is…”

“Shut up! I reckon the bills are acta, non verba – deeds not words, though mind the bills that the assembly passed are in words.”

“So we are back to de facto and need I add the reason why I refer to de facto is that all the bills envisage continuation rather than retirements or dismissal or…”

“Hmmmm…as Nawaz Sharif learnt to his cost, once a notification is issued human beings have a habit of taking decisions that may not reflect loyalty to the one who issued the notification…”

“You always say that Nawaz Sharif never ever admits to a mistake and has spent a lifetime making the same mistake again and again hoping that this time around the result would be different.”

“Yes, and that explains why Maryam Nawaz was notified as the party vice chair.”

“Don’t be facetious. Anyway, that is one thing that Nawaz Sharif has in common with The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless – issuing notifications that they regretted later.”

“Regret is a minor word – I would say grievously…”

“Wait and see whether the freshly baked cookie will crumble.”


“Shehbaz Sharif is not his elder brother.”

“Right anyway, there is another commonality between the two arch rivals – Nawaz Sharif and the Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless”

“Let me guess – how about the opposition leader be declared persona non grata when in power by seizing the day, carpe diem, when in power…”

“Nah, I think the other commonality is their claim of veni vidi vici – I came, I saw, I conquered.”

“That’s when they seize the day right, if not then…”

“Right indeed!”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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