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UNGA body adopts four key Pak resolutions

09 Nov, 2024

NEW YORK: The First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted four key resolutions tabled by Pakistan with overwhelming support.

These resolutions address critical themes, including security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon states and region-specific measures to foster peace and stability.

The resolution titled, “Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons” adopted through a recorded vote, underscores the urgency of providing legally binding security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons.

Pakistan’s emphasis on regional arms control and disarmament received strong endorsement through three additional resolutions: “Regional Disarmament”, “Confidence-Building Measures in the Regional and Subregional Context” and “Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional Levels.” Two of these resolutions were adopted by consensus, highlighting the global community’s recognition of the importance of region-specific arms control and disarmament measures to enhance security and stability.

The adoption of these resolutions stands as a testament to the international community’s acknowledgment of Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to the principles of regional peace, arms control, and constructive engagement through multilateral platforms.

Pakistan remains steadfast in its efforts to advance arms control and disarmament initiatives that promote common and undiminished security for all states, contributing to global and regional peace, security, and stability.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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