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PARTLY FACETIOUS: The Brown Pope’s decision

Updated 14 Nov, 2024

“I propose Nishan-e-Haider, the highest military award, for the Brown Pope.” “He is not in the military has never been in the military, why not the Nishan-e-Pakistan, the highest civilian award?”

“He has gone above and beyond loyalty but not to the civilian government.”

“I would advise you to shut up, don’t forget as the interior Minister he has considerable powers, let me just remind you that on Tuesday he had all the senior Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leadership arrested outside Adiala jail…”

“And that proves my theory — they were released less than two hours later and this, my friend, should debunk your theory that he did not what he did at anyone’s instructions, he merely anticipated, incorrectly as it turned out, the wishes of those he wished to please.”

“Hmmm so your logic is that he tried to pre-empt their wishes and was then told that his assessment of their wishes was inaccurate.”

“Yep but I still don’t understand why you think that The Brown Pope’s decision cannot be sourced to the civilian government. I mean there are many hawks in the PML-N ranks who spent many a month in jail when The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless was the Prime Minister and maybe one of them requested that the three PTI leaders be arrested and…”

“Then they would not have been released so quickly.”

“You and your conspiracy theories!”

“I reckon that on whosoever’s instructions he takes actions…OK, OK, actions that he reckons they want him to take, OK, OK wrongly nine times out of ten…”

“It’s all in the intent my friend – as long as his intent remains as pure as the driven snow…”

“Gotcha but mistakes have a price and sadly in the realm he is operating the price maybe in terms of a plummeting popularity graph. And he has yet to pay any price himself – from chief minister Punjab to Interior Minister to who knows what next.”

“Hear ye, hear ye.”

“What in the world…”

“I am going to give advice to all the power sources in this country: hear ye, hear ye a survey as to who is the main reason behind their plummeting popularity graph…”

“I don’t get you?”

“For Nawaz Sharif it is Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi though Nawaz Sharif being who he is refuses to learn any lessons. Even The Man Who Must remain Nameless and Faceless learnt a lesson — he seems to have poured cold water over the Third Wife’s political ambitions by sending her off to Lahore from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the seat of the party’s politics today, and giving her the shut up call…”

“And Zardari sahib?”

“A balancer — loyal to both political and business partners when out of power and in power but there is a difference between the Punjabi leaders and Zardari sahib: the former represent first generation leadership, yes, yes, I know what The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless thinks, but time will tell what will happen later, but Zardari sahib is a leader by marriage, so there is the difference.”

“Let me think on it.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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