PARTLY FACETIOUS: Will Trump sign on executive order relating to incarcerated leader?

22 Jan, 2025

“So the lesson learned is…” “Anyone facing charges or convicted can be elected to the highest office in a democracy.”

“Hey, we in the Land of the Pure are still the trailblazers – Nawaz Sharif was convicted, serving his sentence and then allowed to proceed abroad for medical treatment.”

“Trump is not ill and even if he was, he is in a country known for medical…”

“That’s true, may I suggest a constitutional amendment that…”

“You mean rules of business, I think – a rule which would bar any convict from proceeding abroad for treatment.”

“Well the rule has been applied but once, but yes, I guess it sets a precedent.”

“Going back to Trump and his press conference during which he signed several executive orders, do you think he signed on one relating to the incarceration of The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless…”

“Stop right there – the government has sent a very powerful emissary to the US to ensure good relations in the next four years and…”


“The Brown Pope.”

“Well then the word you needed was stakeholders, and by the way if he fails would this be the final failure that would lead to his dethronement?”

“Final failure is not synonymous with final frontier.”

“I don’t get you?”

“Failures by individuals in this country have the same impact on their future politics as water on a duck – nothing sticks.”

“But he is Interior Minister and Chairman of the Cricket Board, not…”

“Has any Foreign Minister ever met the Pope?”

“OK, but terrorism is at a peak…”

“Islamabad may be all dug up because of his decision to block most roads by digging trenches but hey there has been no attack here right!”


“And between the Brown Pope and Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi (GPS) who let me remind you said he had overheard a senior Chinese leader saying the only country where Chinese nationals were harmed and China did not…”

“Right Brown Pope – hip hip hooray.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2025

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