WASHINGTON: The International Monetary Fund (IMF), treasuries’ department’s currency values in terms of Special Drawing Rights (SDR).
======================================================================================March 19, 2025====================================================================================== Currency units per SDR SDR per Currency unit======================================================================================Currency 18-Mar-25 17-Mar-25 14-Mar-25 13-Mar-25======================================================================================Chinese yuan 0.103812 0.103603 0.103747 0.103743Euro 0.819077 0.817806 0.817193 0.813641Japanese yen 0.005019 0.005038 0.005061 0.005068U.K. pound 0.972682 0.972958 0.971116 0.971598U.S. dollar 0.750208 0.750074 0.750476 0.751284Algerian dinar 0.005637 0.005628 0.005624 0.005635Australian dollar 0.478258 0.474497 0.47235 0.47406Botswana pula 0.055215 0.05498 0.05486 0.054919Brazilian real 0.131972 0.131417 0.130715 0.129253Brunei dollar 0.563135 0.562359 0.561986 0.5639Canadian dollar 0.524584 0.524381 0.521599 0.521399Chilean peso 0.000813 0.000804 0.000798 0.000806Czech koruna 0.03271 0.032657 0.032682 0.032404Danish krone 0.109798 0.109615 0.109543 0.10906Indian rupee 0.008656 0.008642 0.008627Israeli New Shekel 0.204695 0.20477 0.205606Korean won 0.000518 0.000516 0.000517 0.000517Kuwaiti dinar 2.43534 2.43491 2.43884Malaysian ringgit 0.168727 0.168836 0.169667Mauritian rupee 0.016632 0.016592 0.016548 0.016554Mexican peso 0.03754 0.037771 0.037406New Zealand dollar 0.436884 0.431405 0.427884 0.431124Norwegian krone 0.071051 0.070939 0.070327 0.070156Omani rial 1.95113 1.95078 1.95392Peruvian sol 0.206498 0.205951 0.205441 0.205101Philippine peso 0.013107 0.013102 0.013089 0.013101Polish zloty 0.196637 0.195694 0.194883 0.194795Qatari riyal 0.206101 0.206064 0.206397Russian ruble 0.009205 0.008897 0.00877 0.008673Saudi Arabian riyal 0.200055 0.20002 0.200342Singapore dollar 0.563135 0.562359 0.561986 0.5639South African rand 0.04164 0.041181 0.04124 0.040903Swedish krona 0.074482 0.074194 0.073929 0.0735Swiss franc 0.852606 0.84975 0.8479 0.851313Thai baht 0.022326 0.022291 0.022289 0.022239Trinidadian dollar 0.111247 0.110971 0.111193 0.111214U.A.E. dirham 0.204277 0.204241 0.20457Uruguayan peso 0.017756 0.017824 0.01771 0.017635======================================================================================
(1) The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the recip rocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quant ities of the first four currencies shown. See SDR Valuation.
The value in terms of the SDR of each of the other currencies shown above is derived from that currency’s representative exchange rate against the U.S. dollar as reported by the issuing central bank and the SDR value of the U.S. dollar, except for the Iranian rial and the Libyan dinar, the values of which are officially expressed directly in terms of domestic currency units per SDR. All figures are rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
(2) The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2025