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Activities at Karachi and Qasim ports

14 Nov, 2012

The Karachi Port handled 181,237 tonnes of cargo comprising 140,832 tonnes of import cargo and 40,405 tonnes of export cargo including 4,238 loaded & empty containers during the last 24 hours ended at 0700 hours on Tuesday. The total import cargo of 140,832 tonnes comprised 27,432 tonnes of containerised cargo; 200 tonnes of general cargo; 27,857 tonnes of bulk cargo: 14,000 tonnes of coal; 3,752 tonnes of DAP; 605 tonnes of desiccated; 9,500 tonnes of coke and 85,343 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
The total export cargo of 40,405 tonnes comprised 19,545 tonnes of containerised cargo; 1,134 tonnes of general cargo; 15,226 tonnes of bulk cargo: and 226 tonnes of sugar; 15,000 tonnes of talcum powder and 4,500 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo. As many as 4,238 containers comprising 2,935 containers import and 1,303 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Tuesday.
The brakeup of imported containers shows 869 of 20's and 515 of 40's loaded while 1,034 of 20's and 1 of 40's empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 510 of 20's and 258 of 40's loaded containers while 203 of 20's and 37 of 40's empty containers were handled during the business hours. Two ships namely Jolly and Torm Anne with one container ship and one oil tanker respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period.
Six vessels viz Salis, Hyundai Bangkok, STX Patriakos, MT Lahore, Prisco Ektarina and Equinox Dawn with three container ships, two oil tankers and one bulk cargo ship respectively are currently at the berths. One oil tanker MT Lahore sailed out to sea on Tuesday, while two ships namely CV STX Patriakos and MV Mandarine Noble carrying one container ship and one talcum powder carrier respectively are expected to sail on Wednesday.
Six vessels viz APL Brisbane, Naxihe, UASC Shuwaikh, OEL Trust, Ozay-5 and Azerbaijan with four container ships, one chemicals carrier and one crude oil tanker respectively are due to arrive on Wednesday, while six vessels viz Tabea, Kota Gembira, APL Chicago, Aysan, Capri Cement and Ioanna D with four container ships, one cement carrier and one steel ship respectively are due to arrive on Thursday.

The total import cargo of 38,323 tonnes includes 20,987 tonnes of crude oil; 8,272 tonnes of edible oil; 5,990 tonnes of canola seeds and 3,074 tonnes of chemicals. The total export cargo of 2,489 tonnes includes 2,098 tonnes of cement and 391 tonnes of rice. Three ships namely MT Arietis, MV Phu Tia-19 and MV Lady Elena with crude oil, rice and chemical respectively sailed out to sea on Tuesday morning, while another ship namely MT Argent Gerbera with edible oil is expected to sail on the same day afternoon.
A total number of seven vessels viz MV Nasico Eagle, MV Leopard-B, MV Phu Tia-19, MV Cos Glory, MV Lady Elena, MT Arietis and MT Argent Gerbera are currently occupying berths to load/offload cement, rice, canola seeds, chemical, crude oil and edible oil respectively during the last 24 hours.
As many as seven ships namely Sealand Michigan, Nedlloyd Drake, Najran, Chemroad Quest, Fuji Galaxy, Al-Soor-II and Olympic Spirit-II with containers, edible oil, diesel oil and furnace oil respectively are currently at the outer anchorage of Port Qasim. Five vessels viz CV Sealand Michigan, CV Nedlloyd Drake, CV Najran, MT Fuji Galaxy and MT Al-Soor-II with containers, edible oil and diesel oil are expected to take berths at Qasim International Containers Terminal, FOTCO Oil Terminal, and Liquid Cargo Terminal respectively on Tuesday.

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