Teenage boy claims to have laid 20 eggs since 2016

A 14-year-old boy from Gowa, Indonesia claimed to have a bizarre condition in which he can lay eggs from his rectum
10 Mar, 2018

A 14-year-old boy from Gowa, Indonesia claimed to have a bizarre condition in which he can lay eggs from his rectum.

The teenage boy, Akmal asserted that he has regularly laid around 20 eggs till now since the past two years. Repeatedly being hospitalized for his peculiar situation, Akmal even laid two eggs in front of the doctors, leaving them bewildered.

According to Daily Mail, Akmal’s father Rusli stated that the inside of the egg was either all yellow or all white. “In two years he laid 18 eggs and two today, so in total there have been 20. I cracked the first egg and its content was all yellow, no white,” said Rusli.

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The boy has even been x-rayed by the doctors resulting in themselves finding an egg in his rectum. The doctors are all confused by this extremely strange condition and informed that it is clearly ‘impossible’ for eggs to form inside of a human body, especially in the digestive system. A hospital’s spokesperson said, “Our suspicion is that the eggs were deliberately shoved into Akmal’s rectum. But we did not see it directly.”

However, the boy’s father refuted saying, “He never swallowed eggs whole, why would he do that?” He also denied involvement of any voodoo practice saying, “I am an imam in my village, so there’s no voodoo. I only believe in the Lord”. For now, the doctors have isolated Akmal at Syekh Yusuf Hospital in Gowa in order to study his condition further, as per Daily Star.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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