Pakistan has to reimburse Rs 13,254 billion internal and external loans, the National Assembly was informed on Monday. Minister of State for Finance, Revenue and Planning and Development, Saleem H Mandviwalla, in a written reply informed the Lower House of the Parliament that the outstanding internal debts against the country were Rs 8,332 billion while Rs 4,922 billion were outstanding against Pakistan as external debts.
He further stated that in the current scenario whereby Pakistan has to repay significant portion of IMF loan in current and next fiscal years, it was critical to borrow in foreign currency to avoid any material reduction in foreign currency reserves of the country and consequently put pressure on the exchange rate.
To another question, Saleem H Mandviwalla stated in a written reply that as many as 976 non-customs paid vehicles were confiscated during 2012-13. Mandviwalla while replying to a question about payment of conveyance allowance to the government employees presently working in BPS 20 and above, stated that the government officer in BPS 20 and above were being paid Magnetisation of transport facility: Rs 65,960 being paid monthly to officer working in BPS 20, Rs 77,430 to officer working in BPS 21 and Rs 95,910 to officer working in BPS 22 monthly.
He said that the rate of Conveyance Allowance was fixed like other allowances on the analogy of monthly basic pay which was not paid on uniform rate. Moreover, standard of living and rate of inflation are also kept in view while fixing the rates/enhancement of rate of Conveyance Allowance. He further stated that the rate of Conveyance Allowance had recently been revised/rationalised and there was no such proposal to further rationalise the allowance in near future.
Meanwhile, Interior Minister Rehman Malik in a written reply to a question about the year-wise total number of human traffickers arrested in the country during the last five years, told the House that total 1955 human traffickers were arrested in 2012, 1639 in 2011, 1779 in 2010, in 2009 total 1775 human traffickers had been arrested and 1642 were arrested in 2008.