Expressing grave concern over the delay in upgradation and promotion, the teachers of Islamia Collegiate School (ICS), a public sector education institute threatened to boycott from classes and start protest campaign, if their demands were not fulfilled with a week.
Talking to reporters here on Monday, Islamia Collegiate School Teaching Staff Association President Shaukat Ali said that they would go on complete strike if the Islamia College University administration failed in issuance orders of the teachers' promotion. Some 31 positions in different scales including one in BS-20, five in BS-19, 18 in BS-18 and seven in other grades had been advertised on May 14, 2010. Proper selection board for appointment against these positions was held and the syndicate approved the appointments in its meeting held on May 23, 2012, two years after the advertisement, he informed.
However, despite lapse of over nine months after the syndicate meeting, orders of the teachers' promotion could not be issue, he added. The same meeting also increased the per class charges of the university teachers to Rs 600, Rs 700 and Rs 800 for lecturers, assistant professors and professors respectively, which the collegiate school teachers were completely ignored, who are still taking a class in the evening shift for Rs 350.