Taiwan's CPC Corp is seeking sour crude for loading in May or delivery over May 15 to June 15, trade sources said.
The tender closes on March 21 and is valid until March 23.
More details emerged of Qatar's condensate cargoes sold for May. Qatar Petroleum sold a deodorised field condensate (DFC) cargo to Hyundai Chemical at about $5 a barrel above Dubai quotes, industry sources said.
It also sold a low-sulphur condensate (LSC) cargo to South Korea's Hanwha Total Petrochemicals at about $4.50 a barrel above Dubai quotes, they added.
Murban crude oil cargo is trading at a discount of 5 cents a barrel to the official selling price (OSP), a trade source said, though details of the deal could not be confirmed.
Fuji Oil last bought a 500,000-barrel cargo of Murban crude loading in May via a tender at 7 cents below its OSP, traders have said.
Upper Zakum is still trading at a discount of 20 cents a barrel below its OSP, the first source said.
Petro-Diamond last sold a May-loading Upper Zakum cargo at 20 cents a barrel below its OSP, traders have said.
There is still no spot trades of Das crude available, the trader added.