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Minister for Finance addresses Pakistan Leadership Conversation

21 Mar, 2018

It has strived hard to enhance people’s access to financial services and gaining technological knowhow so as to enable them contribute to the process of development in the country, he said.  The Minister was addressing the forum: “Pakistan Leadership Conversation 2018” organized by ACCA Pakistan.

The basic theme of discussion this time was Collective Vision for an Emerging Pakistan.  The Minister went on to say that people of Pakistan today are better able to access financial services, especially due to the use of internet.

They are fully abreast with the developments taking place in the world. But our journey does not end here, he said, adding that efforts are on to provide better training and facilities to the people to explore their potential and ACCA is one of the forums that is helpful in attaining this objective.

The Minister said that all over the world there is a change in the collective perception of doing business, new business arenas are coming up and people are exploring for more.

Pakistan in this respect has diversity and huge potential to offer. For example there is a great scope of investment in agriculture (especially halal food), energy and low cost housing and we want the people to come and explore this potential.

At the same time, the Minister said we should be technically prepared to cope with the challenges of the competitive business environment and ensure international standards.  CPEC, he said will prove to be a game changer and if we keep due focus and work hard, we could benefit from it like Egypt did from the Suez Canal.

The Minister thanked Mr. Sajjeed Aslam, the Head of ACCA Pakistan for inviting him to the discussion and also praised the participants for sharing their ideas for growth of economy.

Copyright PPI (Pakistan Press International), 2018


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