Homage paid to Begum Khurshid Syed

30 Mar, 2013

Speakers paid rich tributes to late Begum Khurshid Syed A Hafiz Aziz at the memorial meeting held at a local hotel, to mark third Barsi of Begum Hafeez Aziz (1913 to 2010). Qutubuddin Aziz, former Chairman NPT and former Minister Pakistan Embassy London and Washington, remembered how Begum Aziz worked closely with Miss Fatima Jinnah and Quaid-e-Azam before and after independence and made thousands of women members of Muslim League in Lucknow, UP.
Later, when she became member of Hyderabad State Assembly, she got the rights of poor women secured by getting bill on limits of Jahez passed in Assembly. Zafar Iqbal, President Defence Residents Society remembered Begum Hafiz for her struggle to rehabilitate widows of Independence Movement Martyrs through Women's Refugee Rehabilitation Association, of which she was General Secretary, which built 650 houses for the widows in Hajrabad, a housing colony in Shah Faisal Area.
Mehmood-ul-Aziz, Managing Director UPP remembered how Begum Aziz as General Secretary of Women's Wing of All Pakistan Educational Conference organised Fund-Raisers to establish Sir Syed Girls College, today Pakistan's highest enrolment of girl students College with about 7,500 students.
Mrs Zulekha Zar former Director General of Nilat, a Federal Government Institution in Karachi who worked with ILO in Bangkok Regional Headquarter, as Consultant, recollected the Hifazat-e-Watan Duaaiya Congregation of Women every Friday for protection and security of Pakistan after 1965 Indo Pak War, which was visited by late ambassador of Iraq, Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani and his daughter Madam Nadia and was so impressed with the prayers for Pakistan that he bestowed the honour of First Lady Khalifa of Qadri Silsila on Begum Hafiz Aziz.
Pervez Mazhar, a Pakistani origin National of Republic of Slovenia, now visiting Pakistan, spoke about how he met Begum Hafiz in Slovenia, Europe where she touched after attending Democratic Women's Conference in Flelsinki, Finland, where he was a student at that time with her son Khalid.
Grand children and great grand children of Begum Hafiz Aziz, Mrs Samina Iqbal Qasim, Mrs Meena Rizwan, Imad Ali, Master Arham Zar, Saleha and Fatima Naveed also spoke about the affection they got from Begum Hafiz Aziz and how she taught them wisdom, piety and humanism based on Islamic values.
Mrs Malka Iftikhar offered Fateha and Dua for the soul of Begum Saheba and prayed for peace in Karachi particularly and for Pakistan generally. Khalidul Aziz conducted the programme and in concluding remarks said that such outstanding women like Begum Hafiz Aziz are born with blessings of Allah Almighty to achieve such outstanding tasks which she did in her lifetime for the good of humanity and women specially. The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks by Mrs Iftikhar Ali.-PR

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