Cowasjee's tremendous services acknowledged at SIUT

31 Mar, 2013

Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) on Saturday organised a memorial event "Remembering Ardeshir" for the late renowned journalist, intellectual and philanthropist "Ardeshir Cowasjee" at SIUT. Rich glowing tributes were paid to Cowasjee on his tremendous humanitarian activities for Pakistan as a whole and Karachi in particular.
Professor Adibul Hasan Rizvi, Director SIUT, speaking on the occasion, said that Cowasjee was a real friend of SIUT and in 1993 donated haemodialysis machines in the name of his wife. Subsequently he donated an entire hepatitis B positive dedicated haemodialysis unit in the name of his mother Mucca Cowasjee comprising of 24 machines.
He also contributed maximally towards the SIUT lithotripsy unit by donating 4 lithotripsy equipments from which thousands of patients are getting free and quality stone treatment. Another feather to his cap was his contribution of angiography equipment for the radiology unit to enable SIUT for providing a facility to thousands of needy and poor patients.
Professor Rizvi informed the audience that during the campaign of deceased organ donation program, Cowasjee whole heartily supported the cause and after proclamation of the concerned law he was the first person to sign his will for donating his organs after his death.
On this occasion, Ms Zubeida Mustafa, Ms Zohra Yousuf, Dr Kershaw Khambatta, Munir A. Malik, Zaffar Abbas, Hameed A. Haroon, Sayeed Hasan Khan and Maulana Abdul Sattar Edhi also spoke on the occasion. They said that Ardeshir Cowasjee had an extremely dynamic personality. He was a true and honest patriot who spent his entire lifetime in philanthropic work. He was a regular contributor to Dawn through his thought provoking articles and always tried his level best to highlight the wrong doings and misdeeds of corrupt bureaucracy and culprits in the society.-PR

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