Activity at Karachi and Qasim ports

02 Apr, 2013

The Karachi Port handled 273,511 tonnes of cargo comprising 195,139 tonnes of import cargo and 78,372 tonnes of export cargo including 3,874 loaded and empty containers during the last 48 hours ended at 0700 hours on Monday. The total import cargo of 195,139 tonnes comprised 67,606 tonnes of containerised cargo; 1,430 tonnes of general cargo; 58,040 tonnes of bulk cargo: 46,540 tonnes of coal; 11,500 tonnes of rock phosphate and 68,063 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
The total export cargo of 78,372 tonnes comprised 70,090 tonnes of containerised cargo; 725 tonnes of general cargo; 4,497 tonnes of rice and 3,060 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo. As many as 3,874 containers comprising 1,521 containers import and 2,353 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Monday.
The brakeup of imported containers shows 760 of 20's and 378 of 40's loaded while 3 of 20's and one of 40's empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 821 of 20's and 412 of 40's loaded containers while 42 of 20's and 333 of 40's empty containers were handled during the business hours. There are eleven ships namely APL Sharjah, YM Zenith, Hanjin Indonesia, Lantau Arrow, MOL Direction, Lodestar Genesis, Chemroad Quest, Al-Messilah, Maha-B, COS Prosperity, Oranus and Al-Messilah with five container ships, two oil tankers, three general cargo ships and one bulk cargo ship respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period.
There are eleven vessels viz Hanjin Indonesia, Lantau Arrow, MOL Direction, Hyundai Colombo, Aysan, MT Karachi, Takis, Alam Mesra, Al-Messilah, Phu Tai-19 and Hai Yang Shi You-718 with five container ships, two oil tankers, one bulk cargo ship, one general cargo ship, one seeds carrier and one S/vessel respectively are currently at the berths.
An oil tanker namely MT Karachi with diesel oil sailed out to sea on Monday, while four ships namely Hyundai Colombo, Sea Crystal, Multan and Yang Shi You-718 with two containers ships, one phosphoric acid carrier and one S/vessel respectively are expected to sail on Tuesday.
There are five vessels viz Kota Anggun, UASC Shuwaikh, Amber Severly, Capri Cement and Dai Duong with two container ships, two cement carriers and one sulphur ship respectively due to arrive on Monday, while five vessels viz TS Pusan, Kota Gembira, Elisbeth Schulte, Bunga Kantan and Akaki with two container ships, two chemical carriers and one crude oil tanker respectively are due to arrive on Tuesday.

The total import cargo of 20,696 tonnes includes 10,204 tonnes of edible oil and 10,492 tonnes of chemical. The total export cargo of 7,094 tonnes includes 4,264 tonnes of rice and 2,830 tonnes of wheat. MV Mercy Wisdom with wheat is expected to sail on Monday afternoon.
A total number of five vessels viz MV Kusan, MV Mercy wisdom, MV Maori Maiden, MV Chemroad Dita and MT Global Challanger are currently occupying berths to load/offload cement, wheat, rice, chemicals and edible oil respectively during the last 24 hours.
As many as five ships namely Maersk Montana, Maersk Phuket, Al-Soor-II, Reecon Emire and Heng Xin with containers, diesel oil, wheat and chemicals respectively are currently at the outer anchorage of Port Qasim. There are two vessels viz CV Maersk Montana and CV Maersk Phuket with containers are expected to take berths at Qasim International Container Terminal on Monday. No ships are due to arrive on Monday.

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