Jamaat-i-Islami to motivate women, youths for country's progress

05 Apr, 2013

Secretary-General, Jamaat-i-Islami, Liaqat Baloch, said that the JI would motivate the women folk and the youth of the country for the establishment of an Islamic welfare state. Addressing a women convention in the city on Thursday, he said that the women constituted over fifty percent of the country's population and their votes to the really deserving candidate in the next elections would play an important role in bringing about a change.
Highlighting the salient features of the JI election manifesto, Liaqat Baloch said that the JI would ensure a judicious distribution of the national wealth and resources in the society, and the national resources would be diverted towards the masses through the Zakat, and charity and donations.
The evils of usury, hoarding, drinking and adulteration would be wiped out and the national economy would be built on healthy footings that would usher in an era of progress and prosperity. The discrimination between the rulers and the ruled would be eliminated and the protocol and lavish living of the rulers on state expense would be wiped out.

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