Rule of law essential for egalitarian society: CJP

06 Apr, 2013

Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has said that the establishment of the rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution are essential for an egalitarian society. The law provides the framework within which a society operates, he said adding that it regulates all aspects of life and is of direct interest to everyone.
The Chief Justice of Pakistan said this while addressing the faculty and the students of Sindh Law College, Hyderabad here on Friday evening. He said the role of judiciary is of prime importance in the system of administration of justice, however, the whole range of authorities and institutions including the executive and the legislature have to render auxiliary contribution for the fair dispensation of justice.
He said the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 aims at creating an atmosphere of harmony and collaboration among all the state institutions in order to ensure delivery of justice to all. The judiciary has been specifically invested with the power of judicial review in order to check unconstitutional excesses and deviations by any institution, for the sustainable development of the justice system and the protection of fundamental rights, he said.
"I feel pride in mentioning that in the recent years, judiciary has successfully emerged as a true saviour and protector of constitutional supremacy and fundamental rights," the Chief Justice said and added, judicial activism on the part of the Supreme Court has not only ameliorated the justice system as a whole, but has also enhanced public trust and confidence in the judicial institution.
He said that law is a noble profession and the lawyers are the most vocal dissenters against injustice. Besides the founder of Pakistan, many of the heads of the democratic governments in the country also belonged to this profession, he added. Law as a profession in any jurisdiction is highly challenging as it demands utmost commitments on the part of lawyers to promote the cause of justice, he said.
Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry while praising the lawyers' movement in the aftermath of the 2007 Emergency, said that it was the movement for the independence of judiciary and the rule of law. The role of lawyers is highly commendable for the restoration of the Constitution and the rule of law, which resulted in the restoration of de jure judiciary in 2009 and foreclosed future extra-constitutional regimes in the country, he said.
The Chief Justice, who had also studied in Sindh Law College, Hyderabad from 1970 to 1973 and did his Bachelor's in Law, termed it a historic institution which was established in 1948 soon after the creation of Pakistan.
While advising the students, the Chief Justice emphasised upon them to avail every opportunity in the phase of study of law and try hard to acquire an in-depth understanding of law and jurisprudence as after completing studies, they will have an opportunity to perform a wide range of professional services including legal advisors, civil or judicial services, advocacy etc.
He also advised them to study the leading judgements of the Superior Courts interpreting various provisions of the Constitution and the law so as to acquaint themselves with the role of Superior Courts in protecting the fundamental rights of the citizens and the constitutional development of the country.
Earlier, Principal Sindh Law College Professor Ahmed Ali Shaikh in his welcome address highlighted the history as well as the academic activities of the college. The Chief Justice also went to the classroom of the First Year LLB where he advised the students to work hard with dedication and devotion so that they could be able to play their due role for the betterment of the country in future.
He also performed the launching of the Law Magazine of the college and planted a sapling in the lawn of the college. Among others, the Judges of the Supreme Court Justice Sarmad Jalal Osmany and Justice Aijaz Afzal Khan and the Chief Justice Sindh High Court Justice Mushir Alam also accompanied the Chief Justice.

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