HRCP slams series of unfortunate events ahead of elections

06 Apr, 2013

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has noted with alarm a horde of undesirable developments across the country that it feared would circumvent people's democratic rights and strengthen obscurantist elements.
In a statement issued here on Friday, the Commission said: "Just when the citizens were hoping that the lead-up to the general elections would provide a breather from the downhill tumble, new tragedies have started unravelling across the country-from people being stoned to death in the country's northern parts, to the abduction of Salahuddin Mengal, a lawyer in Balochistan known for his criticism of security agencies, the spread of lawlessness, unemployment and diminishing writ of the state in ever larger parts.
If all this were not enough, those 'managing' the election affairs have embroiled the people in issues that are as irrelevant as they are unnecessary. A charade is being played out in the name of scrutiny of nomination papers; candidates for the general elections are being asked questions that have no link whatever with the law and the constitution. The worst example is the disqualification of Ayaz Amir for writing an article. The disqualification binge is fast turning into a farce that not only denies people the right to elect their representatives but also violates the most basic principle of natural justice. Sinister forces are striking at the very foundation of democracy in the country. This cull of candidates is set to defeat the very purpose of holding elections, and is aimed at inciting disputes and creating divisions among politicians and paving the way for conservative obscurantist.
HRCP slams this latest plot to deny people the right to determine who governs them and demands that the Election Commission must no longer remain a spectator. HRCP also hopes and expects that the political parties would rise above petty politics to save the democratic dispensation from further erosion. The Commission fears that if the events of the past few days and weeks were not stopped then the dream of realising genuine democracy in the country would become just that, a dream."

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