Mukhtar terms excessive power cuts a conspiracy

08 Apr, 2013

Former Federal Minister for Water and Power, Ahmed Mukhtar, has said that excessive power outages at this time of the season in the country is a conspiracy being hatched by the Minister for Water and Power and Secretary of the Ministry on the behest of the political party and those who wanted to discredit the PPP.
He said that as the Minister for Water and Power he left the sufficient allocation of funds to ensure fuel supply to generate around 14,000MW of electricity thus ensuring minimum load shedding in the country.
He said that he failed to understand the 12 to 14 hours of load shedding in the urban and rural areas at this time of the season when it was the beginning of the summer season.
He claimed that during the last months of the PPP-led democratic government the load shedding was reduced two to four hours because of increase in the power generation, efficient distribution system and better management. He asked the analysts to compare the situation of the load shedding during the last month of the PPP government with the present situation.
He took strong exception to the ongoing load shedding in the province of Punjab particularly consisting more than 62 percent of population of Pakistan. It is obvious that some game is being played to harm the Party in the forthcoming elections.
He said that the people of Pakistan understood these anti-democratic and anti-people forces adding that they would frustrate their designs by casting their votes in favour of the PPP.
He warned the people to be vigilant of the petty tactics of those who had gone to the extent of flouting all legal and moral ethics for the sake of getting political mileage.
He said that he would unfold more facts in the near future if the situation did not improve so far as reduction in the load shedding was concerned.-PR

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