Partly Facetious: Degrees under unprecedented focus

09 Apr, 2013

"So what's up?"
"You know what amazed me is Attiya Inayatullah's lack of a degree."
"What do you mean?"
"She didn't pursue or respond to the queries on her degree."
"So? That doesn't mean her degree was fake."
"Why wouldn't she pursue..."
"Because she was busy elsewhere I guess, but if you go on the website she is listed as having a Phd in demographics and has had a life long Association with Pakistan's Population Planning Association."
"Maybe that explains it!"
"What explains what?"
"The fact that our population continues to grow at an alarming rate and..."
"Don't be facetious."
"So why didn't she submit her degree to the relevant authorities, I mean she was obviously interested in elections which is where queries over her degree were raised." "But she does look educated and sounds educated don't you think?"
"And how do you look or sound educated?"
"Well you dress well, and you carry yourself well, I mean she does dress well and looks educated and I was witness to her husband being referred to as Mr Attiya Inayatullah..."
"Don't be facetious."
"I was witness..."
"And if your witnesses are bureaucrats then you must know that they will remain silent when you need them as witnesses."
"Oh dear, and another person who did not respond to queries was Faisal Saleh Hayat."
"And he too looks educated to you?"
"Looks and sounds educated."
"Well maybe he was busy elsewhere too but does this mean her arch rival and her reported cousin's family, an I am referring to Abida Hussain, may sweep the elections in his constituency."
"Mr Hayat has several tricks up his sleeve, I would wait..."
"Attiya Inayatullah..."
"Has one trick up her sleeve..."
"Which is?"
"She supports dictators."
"Maybe that's the time we need family planning more?'
"Don't be facetious."

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