Integrated pest management need of hour: HEC official

09 Apr, 2013

Higher Education Commission (HEC) Director General, Quality Assurance, Ms Zia Batool has said that University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) was playing a role model in the field of quality assurance as well as tenure track faculty hiring programs. She was addressing to the researchers and scientists of the Department of Entomology UAF on Monday.
Zia Batool said that Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was the need of hour and modern world had been striving for assurance of biodiversity. She added that hazardous chemicals and insecticides were damaging our ecology and disturbing biodiversity at large. She urged the scientists to adopt modern raring techniques to promote crop friendly pests. D.G. HEC was of the view that UAF has proved itself as a role model for public and private sector universities in order to enhancement of quality in various academic and research programs.
She also lauded the standard of Research Journal Pakistan Entomologist which had upgraded recently from "Z" to "Y" category and hoped that it would become "X" category journal very soon. Chairman Department of Entomology, Professor Dr Muhammad Jalal Arif while briefing the guests highlighted the main features of Entomology Department and Journal of Pakistan Entomologists. He said that scientists from various parts of the globe were getting their research papers published in the journal. He maintained that researchers from USA, UK and other developed world were contributing as member of editorial board.

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