Partly Facetious: Traffic in Islamabad is now so much better

10 Apr, 2013

"I am so angry still, and its road rage."
"Why? I thought that you would be less angry given that traffic in Islamabad is now so much better with the top heavy government dissolved..."
"Not on my route. I have been seeing this car with green number plates flanked by police vehicles, and fancy police vehicles at that - not the dilapidated cars that are in use by those policemen who do not have protocol duty - anyway I have seen these vehicles going towards the Benazir Income support Programme building and the police guy told me to stop immediately and let the convoy pass first and I asked him why? I mean haven't they all resigned?"
"Yes they have but many continue to use facilities that they have become used to. I tell you its like a divorce, the not so rich spouse can argue that he/she is used to a lifestyle and therefore he/she must be awarded enough money to enable him/her to maintain that lifestyle."
"That's not what happens in this country, Hamza Shahbaz Sharif...."
"OK but Hamza needs to learn a thing or two from his father, there is not a single complaint against the former Chief Minister of Punjab from any of his second wives."
"Second wives, as in plural?"
"That's the way the cookie crumbles."
"Anyway talking of BISP Farzana Raja I hear she is politicking."
"What do you mean?"
"Where is she politicking? It's not as if she has won any seats, wasn't she one of the appointees."
"You have to appreciate her, hers is a rag to riches story: from an air hostess to a federal minister."
"There is nothing poor or wrong about being an air hostess."
"Nope but she wants to forget her first job I hear."
"And I thought the first job is the same as first love, you never forget it."
"She hasn't forgotten it, she just doesn't want you to remember it."
"Oh dear, I call on all air hostesses to go on strike in protests..."
"Don't be facetious."

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