PCCC pensioners

14 Apr, 2013

I have been observing the decline of PCCC and have also been reading letters and reports regarding PCCC in newspapers. When APTMA took over PCCC, it was hoped that APTMA would revitalise PCCC and motivate its employees. It was also hoped that APTMA would dispense justice to the pensioners of PCCC. Sadly, it was not the case.
APTMA has denied 20 percent increase in the pensions w.e.f. 1st June 2012. With the present high cost of living and ever-rising inflation, pensioners are finding it extremely difficult to make both ends meet. Most of the pensioners are in poor health and costs of medicines and medical care are rising on a weekly basis.
APTMA has a long history of fighting for financial benefits for its members and, on the other hand it is denying 20 percent increase in the pensions. We, the pensioners request that APTMA may immediately grant 20 percent increase in pensions w.e.f. 1st June, 2012. In the end, it is pointed out that increase of PCCC from cotton cess during the current financial year will be approx Rs 600 million. Kindly ensure that this huge amount does not end up in wrong places.

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