KESC announces eight-hour per day loadshedding for industries

14 Apr, 2013

Owing to a reduced supply of gas to Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) industries would have to face power outages for at least eight hours a day henceforth. In an official statement issued here, the power utility claimed facing a major decrease in the supply of gas, which it used as a justification to starve the industry of electricity.
According to a KESC spokesman, the utility is forced to take a decision to this effect in the wake of an irrational interest, which the SSGC slapped on the Company without any reason. He said that the gas Company has brought the supply down to 120 MMCFD compromising KESC's generation capacity; thus we could not meet the demand. On the other hand when contacted, Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) denied throttling the flow. It is worth mentioning here that the KESC owes billions of rupees to SSGC and the gas supply company is facing difficulty in making payment to the oil and gas companies.-PR

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