Alavi urges combined efforts against polio

14 Apr, 2013

Caretaker Sindh Chief Minister former Justice Zahid Qurban Alavi has called upon the Health Department and NGOs to bring the people of all segments of life at one platform for eradication of polio from Sindh. He speaking as chief guest at a dinner hosted by Rotary Club Hyderabad here at Qasimabad on Friday night.
The parents should be taken into confidence and motivated to immunise anti-polio drops to the children of under age so that they could be saved from the disease, he said. He said that all concerned organisations should be taken on board so that combined efforts could be made for saving the future of the children.
However, he said that without co-operation of the parents no efforts of eradication of polio could be succeeded. The health department and the NGOs working in promotion of health facilities should motivate the parents of Union Council-4 of Gadap Karachi to immunise their children against polio, he said and added that vaccination teams should carry out vaccination of the children of under age and the government will provide the security cover in sensitive parts of the town.
Talking about law and order situation in the province, the Caretaker Sindh Chief Minister said that the government has made an effective plan to make the police officers and personnel sound socially and financially. In this respect, he said that the government required the co-operation of NGOs so that the police could accomplish the task of maintaining law and order in the province in effective manner.
He said that due to lack of facilities, the police failed to produce required result in maintenance of law and order. The children of policemen required better educational and health facilities and it could be possible only NGOs such as Rotary Club and Citizen Foundation should come forward and play their key role in provision of facilities to police.
The President Rotary Club Iqbal Ahmed Qureshi and President district chapter Aziq Shafiq in their speeches highlighted the performance of the club. Among others, Caretaker Sindh Minister Muhammad Sharif Ansari, Akhtar Qurban Alvi and Jhamat Mal Advocate were also present on the occasion.

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