Germany puts brakes on EU bank union with treaty call

14 Apr, 2013

Germany said European banking union will require changes to EU law, in a call that could slow completion of the plan designed to underpin the euro currency. Speaking after a meeting of European Union finance ministers on Saturday, Germany Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said the EU's Lisbon treaty had to be changed to allow common rules on shutting troubled banks - a central element of the union.
"Banking union only makes sense if we also have rules for restructuring and resolving banks. But if we want European institutions for that, we will need a treaty change," he said. Designed to ensure vulnerable countries do not have to tackle financial problems alone, the plan for banking union was one of the bloc's biggest political steps to stabilise the euro and prevent taxpayers from footing bills for bank rescues.
"We will not be able to take any steps on the basis of a doubtful legal basis," Schaeuble told reporters. "That's why it's also crucial that we strengthen the network of national restructuring funds and authorities." As a first step towards the union, the European Central Bank is set to start supervising euro zone banks from July 2014.
This should be followed by a so-called bank resolution scheme to close or salvage struggling banks as well as pay for the costs involved. The third and final step would be a coherent framework across Europe for deposit protection. Worried the supervisory role could compromise ECB monetary policy independence, Germany on Friday persuaded EU countries to sign a political declaration committing to future treaty change. Schaeuble also made clear legal change would be necessary for the unified scheme for tackling failed banks.
Changing the Lisbon treaty, which underpins the bloc's law, would be a drawn-out process as it calls for the agreement of all member states - some of which require referenda. It would raise particular problems for Britain, where eurosceptics have argued that the country should quit the bloc.

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