JI to ensure supremacy of constitution, judiciary

15 Apr, 2013

Secretary General, Jamaat-i-Islami, Liaquat Baloch, has said that the JI would take every possible step to ensure the supremacy of the constitution and the law and the independence of the judiciary in the country. Addressing corner meetings in NA 126 in the city on Sunday, he said that the JI had a team of honest and competent people who were capable of steering the country out of the present crisis.
He urged the JI workers, candidates and their supporters to step up their election campaign with full faith in Allah and explain the masses of the JI's revolutionary manifesto. He further said that all the religious parties in the constituency were united that augured well.
Referring to the Karachi situation, Liaquat Baloch said that Karachi was getting free from MQM's extortion and terrorism due to which the party was trying to flee from the elections and to deprive the Karachi people of democracy and their right to vote. However, he said, that no body would be allowed to ambush the constitution, the independence of the judiciary or democracy.
The JI Secretary General stressed upon the caretaker rulers not to bow before the blackmailing or pressure of any party or individual. Later, talking to a group of students and teachers, he condemned the deletion of material relating to the religion-the Quran and the Islamic heroes from the study courses in the Punjab, while terming the step as great injustice, he said that it was essential to harmonise the education system and the syllabi with the Pakistan ideology.

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