What is there to celebrate?

15 Apr, 2013

What is there to celebrate except that the last ostensibly democratic government, for the first time in the history of this country, was successful in completing its five-year term? Nothing else is worthy of mention except half a decade of bad governance.
Undoubtedly, completing its five-year tenure is a landmark achievement. There is no denial of the fact that having attained this goal, the previous government received appreciation from a cross-section of people within the country. Some democratic governments of the West such as the United States and Britain also eulogised this positive development on the democratic front in Pakistan, and declared it as a good omen for democracy in this country. However, a question that arises: Can the past government be categorised as a successful democratic government just because it was able to complete its prescribed term of five years? No, it certainly cannot. It is a universal fact that success or failure of any government lies in how effectively it conducts the affairs of the country.
If previous government's performance is gauged specifically from this point of view, very little could be listed as positive that the previous government has done for the well-being of this nation. For the first time in the history of this country, the last government has had the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of power for five long years. Had it devoted itself towards the service of this nation it could have celebrated its success in a befitting manner. The situation has, however, been absolutely contrary to this.
The Pakistan of today, as known to everyone within the country and abroad, has become a country where corruption is rampant, law and order has gone haywire, the state has bitterly failed to provide its people the basic amenities of life like food, clothing, shelter, education and health, the state has completely failed to provide security to its people, the economy is on the verge of total collapse, galloping inflation is ruthlessly cutting through the purse of people belonging to every stratum of society, massive flight of both human and financial capital has become the order of the day, human rights are being blatantly violated, the rule of law is being audaciously desecrated by those at the helm, the downtrodden masses are becoming poorer and the opulent rulers of the country are becoming richer by the day. The state of affairs prevailing in this country is extremely gloomy and disappointing. So, what is there to celebrate?

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