Prime Minister, others advised to confine themselves to day-to-day Administration

17 Apr, 2013

Ministry of Law and Justice has advised all the caretaker cabinet members including Prime Minister Mir Hazar Khan Khoso to confine themselves to day to day administration of the State without keeping in view one's own interest or of one's party. According to official documents available with Business Recorder, Ministry of Law will formally brief the Federal Cabinet on Wednesday (today) about the responsibilities and role of the Caretaker Cabinet during the limited days in office.
According to these documents, Caretaker Cabinets are required to take care of day-to-day administration of the State. They can take all decisions requiring attention or action that may be having far-reaching effects, like in respect of war and peace or earthquake or floods. But they can neither forget the predominant position of their being Caretaker nor can they take undue advantage of their position either for themselves or for their political parties.
They have to be impartial to everybody, including their rivals or opponents in political fields. They cannot take advantage of their official position of Caretaker Government at the expense of other political forces or people at large. Neutrality, impartially, detachment and devotion to duty to carry on day-to-day affairs of the State without keeping in view one's own interest or of one's party are the sine qua non of a Caretaker Cabinet.
Mandate/power of Election Commission article 220- Executive authorities to assist Commission, etc. The document explains that it "shall" be the duty of all executive authorities in the Federation and in the Provinces to assist the Commissioner and the Election Commission in the discharge of his or their functions.
ARTICLE 218 (3) It shall be the duty of the Election Commission constituted in relation to an election to organise and conduct the election and to make such arrangements as are necessary to ensure that the election is conducted honestly, justly, fairly and in accordance with law, and that corrupt practices are guarded against.-
Message from Cabinet Members - Cabinet needs to send a strong message to people of Pakistan and non-state actors as it feels that :- (i) some non-state actors are attacking the state through terrorist strikes and committing offences of terrorism under Section 121 PPC;(ii) non-state actors have withdrawn their loyalty and obedience from the Constitution under Article 5 and ;(iii) non-state actors have raised unlawful armies in violation of Article 256 of the Constitution and are attacking the state to disrupt political process.
It further said that the Federal Government has called upon Armed Forces in aid of civil power. The Cabinet fully supports the efforts of Armed Forces, Police and Law Enforcement Agencies and recognises their scarifies. The Cabinet calls upon everyone not to obstruct democracy transition in any way whatsoever.
The cabinet expresses resolve to facilitate the conduct of fair, free and timely elections. List of work of Law Ministry is engaged in examination of US white paper on Drones. ,Convention ratification / office - Indus Water Treaty further legal steps- co-ordination cell for International- Conventions at Federal and Provincial levels- Co-ordination Cell for Pakistan country reports -Amending Rules of Business, 1973 to include Translation of multilateral conventions in Urdu- dissemination of Multilateral conventions for Provincial Assemblies and Political Parties- issuance of subordinate legislation rules- OIC BIT withdrawal- Federal Courts premises matter- Federal Courts computerisation- Issuance of witnesses Screening Rules - Inclusion of offences under Private Armies Act, 1973 in the schedule to ATA- Order under Article 247 of the Constitution to extend application of Private Military Organisations (Abolition and Prohibition) Act, 1973 to FATA- Issuance of Rules under Fair Trial Act, 2013 and revival of Wafaq ul Madaris Project/upgrading of Nisab/Documentation etc.

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