KESC providing uninterrupted power to all industrial zones

18 Apr, 2013

KESC rejected concerns raised by a small group of so-called industrial leaders on industrial loadshedding for the last few days due to consistently low supply of gas by SSGC. The hue and cry raised completely undermines KESC's service to the industry for the last many years and the company considers media statements issued by a few industrialists as myopic, self-centered and short-sighted.
In a statement released by KESC, the utility has emphatically stated that it was only KESC that adopted an industry-friendly policy and exempted all industrial zones from load shedding since September 2009. While Karachi industry was enjoying uninterrupted power supply, rest of the industry in the country was facing huge power outages resulting in substantial economic gains for Karachi industries. A study, conducted by renowned international consulting firm Mckinsey, confirms that uninterrupted power supply to Karachi's industrial units has resulted in an economic value add of 1-2 Billion US dollars per annum.
It is unfortunate that a handful of so called industry leaders have shown a very prejudiced approach towards an obvious sectoral issue and resorted to uncalled for criticism. This selfish approach is the very cause of gas supply issue as most of these leaders run their own factories on gas-fired captive power plants while they give anti-KESC statements in media in order to sound concerned.
KESC said that it had informed all industrial stakeholders well in advance that SSGC had not been supplying adequate natural gas for power generation to meet the increasing city demand and this could lead to load shedding in industrial areas which had been exempted for well over 3 years. During the hot month of April, when the City power demand is exceeding 2,400 megawatts, SSGC had continued to supply gas volume of December-January when electricity demand was as low as 1,700 MWs. To the dismay of all concerned, SSGC did not increase gas supply. The government has also not taken any steps to improve the situation, leaving KESC with no option but to start load shedding in industrial areas from April 13.
KESC has once again reiterated that with the current gas supply of 120 MMCFD at this time of the year, it will not be possible to provide round-the-clock supply to the industry. KESC was receiving over 190 MMCFD gas at this time last year and until that supply is restored there will be no change in the industrial load shed policy. KESC has once again demanded the federal government to cancel all gas supply licenses to industries for captive power that were issued in blatant violation of the Gas Allocation Policy 2005. Gas volume so released should be supplied to the power sector as per the new approved policy where power sector has second priority after domestic consumers. KESC has also demanded the government to instruct SSGC to strictly comply with the new Gas Allocation Policy.
KESC has also advised the industry to adopt a more responsible and sensible approach while issuing media statements instead of focusing on their own vested interests and misleading industrial customers through a visible biased approach towards the power utility. The industrial load shedding duration may increase as the power demand rises, the statement concluded.-PR

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