Partly Facetious: Bilour antagonises all equally

18 Apr, 2013

"The earthquake coupled with pre-poll violence in Peshawar and not to forget a drone strike that killed many for good measure, and all in one day."
"You forgot Zehri's step-brother also attacked and killed..."
"Depressing, hunh!"
"Indeed, and the US President took time out of his own country's mourning over the Boston bomb blasts and condemned the Peshawar violence where Ghulam Ahmed Bilour escaped in an attempt on his life."
"Wow, and this is in spite of the fact that the US is angry with Bilour for referring to the Taliban as his brothers, remember?"
"Well, the brothers may have attacked him. Oh, and the US President did not condemn those who died as collateral damage in the drone strike."
"Not his problem."
"Well, it is his problem; I mean he is spending millions of dollars on each drone that moseys on down to our part of the world."
"He would argue that drone strikes have enabled him to end the terror strikes on US soil though I guess he would not say that so soon after the Boston attacks."
"You know there is a massive loss of life due to multiple reasons in this country."
"Yep, but what I like about Bilour, he antagonises all equally."
"Don't be facetious."
"Did any of our own senior politicians condemn the attacks, any of the attacks?"
"Well, you can't condemn an earthquake, maybe lament and go see those who died to commiserate with them, may be attend their funerals and..."
"Not gonna happen, we don't have such a tradition."
"You are being facetious."
"But seriously did anyone condemn the attacks?"
"Our politicians were kind of busy with electioneering."
"Electioneering or getting their nomination papers approved?"
"That process is over for nearly all but Musharraf."
"Ah yes, the prodigal returned and we did not value him as the bible teaches us."
"That is because we are not Christians but Muslims my friend."
"You are being facetious today."

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