Poster exhibition held at SU

18 Apr, 2013

The administration of Sindh University (SU) is paying a remarkable attention on academic activities on the campus in a bid to enhance the confidence level of the students and promote culture of research as poster presentation and model exhibition was arranged in the Institute of Bio-chemistry, Sindh University, Jamshoro in which a large number of students of BS Part-I and BS Part-IV (Biochemistry) under the supervision of Dr Naseem Aslam Channa, Associate Professor participated with their posters and models of different equipments relating to the field.
In the exhibition, the students presented and explained the posters on different topics of biochemistry linked to the clinical, nutritional and environmental aspects ie cardio vascular diseases, cataracts, food allergens. Besides, many informative presentations were displayed on different research topics to develop and enhance the research culture among the students of the institute. Professor Dr Allah Bux Ghanghro, Director Institute of Biochemistry and faculty members visited the exhibition and appreciated the efforts of the students and teacher. Ghanghro encouraged the efforts made by the students and highlighted the importance of the event.

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