Partly Facetious: But Raja is not convicted yet

19 Apr, 2013

"Raja sahib says his nomination papers should have been accepted."
"But the rental power projects case..."
"The court's direction was for investigation on all relevant ministers and while Raja sahib was the Water and Power Minister when tenders were invited, and the successful bidder announced and later the terms of engagement were changed mid way in violation of the public procurement rules and regulations yet the fact remains that he was not convicted in the case."
"But the government did not undertake any investigation..."
"That is the government's prerogative."
"OK, but Raja sahib also diverted funds from other budgeted allocations to his own constituency?"
"That may be pre-poll rigging of sorts but unless he is convicted his nomination papers should have been approved."
"He also gave licences to CNG stations in violation of the ban."
"But did he not suspend the ban, and do you not agree that he has the power to suspend such bans?"
"OK, but..."
"You may not like him and his manner but the fact remains that he is not convicted yet and you need to follow rules and regulations."
"So now what?"
"I would imagine he will go to a higher forum to seek justice and I hope that he would be allowed to stand. Democracy is not about a returning officer weaning out the corrupt and those engaged in nepotism...."
"Ah yes, I forgot about appointments for his sons-in-law."
"That's a difficult relationship. I mean if a daughter comes and asks her father..."
"But not fair."
"Yes, but you remember Margaret Thatcher was accused of helping her son get lucrative Middle East contracts and she reportedly said wouldn't you help your son if you could and all controversy died down."
"I am amazed at your defence of Raja sahib?"
"I would like him to lose elections but not be barred from contesting by someone whose salary is paid from my tax money."
"Well, democracy is still in its infancy here."

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