Obama in Boston vows US will find perpetrators of bombings

19 Apr, 2013

President Barack Obama told a memorial service for the Boston bombing victims that "we will find" whoever carried out the attack that killed three people as investigators search for two men seen on a video of the scene shortly before the blasts.
Obama said Americans would not be intimidated by the twin blasts, which also injured 176 people in a crowd of thousands at the finish line of the world-famous marathon on Monday. "If they sought to intimidate us, to terrorize us, to shake us from those values that define us as Americans, it should be pretty clear by now that they picked the wrong city to do it to. Not here in Boston," Obama said at the memorial on Thursday. While investigators have made no arrests yet, Obama said of the perpetrator or perpetrators of the attack, "We will find you and you will face justice."
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano earlier on Thursday in Washington confirmed that the FBI was searching for people seen on a video taken near the finish line. "There is some video that has raised the question of those that the FBI would like to speak with," Napolitano said in Congressional testimony on Thursday. "I wouldn't characterise them as suspects under the technical term. But we do need the public's help in locating these individuals." The memorial service took place a day after the FBI arrested a Mississippi man in connection with the letters. The FBI said there was no indication of a connection between the ricin letters and the Boston bomb attacks.

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