World's oldest ever man turns 116 in Japan

20 Apr, 2013

Jiroemon Kimura, the oldest man ever recorded, celebrated his 116th birthday Friday with a message from Japan's prime minister as health chiefs launched a study into why his home city boasts so many centenarians. It was a busy day for Kimura, who also greeted guests including the mayor of Kyotango city and officials from the Guinness World Records.
"You give us pride and confidence in the people of Japan," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in a pre-recorded video greeting that marked the milestone. "Yes, yes, thank you," said Kimura, who is still a way off from the all-time record set by Jeanne Calment, a French woman who died in 1997 at the age of 122 which made her the longest living person in history. Kimura, who was born in 1897 - the same year as American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart - spent time in hospital after falling ill late last year. His morning started at 7:00 am (2200 GMT) with a healthy breakfast - a bowl of porridge with red beans, egg tofu and mashed pumpkin, a local official said.

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