Prime Minister urges countrymen to rally behind Earth saving efforts

22 Apr, 2013

Caretaker Prime Minister Mir Hazar Khan Khoso urged the countrymen to pay due attention in overcoming the climatic and ecological challenges faced by the Mother Earth and make concerted efforts for its preservation.
The Prime Minister, in his message on the Earth Day being observed across the world on April 22, said that it is their sacred duty to work together in overcoming the challenges posed by the unbalanced climatic discrepancies and seizing the sharp ecological dilapidation.
He said that on April 22, billions of people around the world would be observing the International Earth Day, whose main purpose is to reiterate a resolve to protect the Mother Earth from the challenges, which have been threatening its existence.
"World Earth Day is the biggest environment related event in the world. The Day reminds us of our responsibility to take necessary steps for the preservation of its pristine nature and to fight against those elements working towards degradation of its ecosystem," the PM said.
Prime Minister Khoso said that it is heartening that the countrymen would be joining the international community in this mega event.
The theme of the Day for this year: "The Face of Climate
Change" highlighted the effects of the climate change on the ecosystem of the earth.
The Prime Minister said that it is worth mentioning that Pakistan has already launched national policy on climate change, detailing how it planned to tackle the challenges posed by the global warming, mitigate its risks and adapt key sectors of the country's economy to cope with its consequences. The policy is a major leap towards the implementation of relevant Rio+20 outcomes, the PM said, adding that the policy, developed with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), recommended some 120 steps the country could take to slow down the impact of global warming, as well as adapt sectors such as energy, transport and agriculture.
The Prime Minister further said: "I am confident that with commitment supported by institutional mechanism, the Government of Pakistan will positively contribute towards maintaining ecological balance and making this world a safe and pollution-free place to live."
He said that he is sure that the Day's celebration would sensitise people to practically participate for reducing the environmental hazards, posing threat to Mother Earth and make it a safer place to live.
Every year, people from around the world representing various communities take part in Earth Day related activities to voice their concerns for the planet and renew their commitment for protection and preservation of environment.

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