Iqbal's 75th death anniversary observed

22 Apr, 2013

The 75th death anniversary of Allama Dr Mohammad Iqbal, revered as Muffakir-e-Pakistan, Shair-e-Mashriq and Hakeemul Ummat, was observed with solemnity all over Pakistan on Sunday to pay homage to the philosopher who gave the idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent to protect their Islamic culture, religion and their economic and political rights as a separate nation.
In Lahore special prayers were offered and Quran Khawani was held at various mosques and places for the eternal peace of his soul and prosperity and solidarity of Pakistan
A colourful change of guard ceremony was held at the mausoleum of Allama Iqbal near Badshahi Masjid in Angori Bagh where a contingent of Rangers took up guard duties in the morning. Several political, educational, cultural, social and literary bodies including Iqbal Academy laid floral wreaths at the Mazar to pay homage to the great thinker.
A special seminar was held at Aiwan-e-Karkunan-e-Pakistan in collaboration with Nazaria Pakistan Trust, which was presided over by Majeed Nizami. The seminar was addressed by Dr Rafique Ahmad, former Justice Nasira Iqbal, former foreign minister Sartaj Aziz, Bushra Rahman, Begum Surriya, Dr Sammia Raheel Qazi and others.

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