Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX

06 Jul, 2013

Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX (Formerly National Commodity Exchange Limited - NCEL) Trading Summary on Friday (July 05, 2013).

Total Volume - Lots 5,434 Total Volume - Rs. 1,258,303,267
Date Commodity Contract Price Open High Low Close Traded Previous Current Open
Date Quotation Volume Settlement Settlement Interest
in Lots Price Price in Lots
05-Jul-2013 ICOTTON OC13 US Cents Per Pound 87.45 87.45 87.14 87.14 - 87.45 87.14 -
05-Jul-2013 Crude10 AU13 US$ Per Barrel 101.20 102.15 100.72 101.52 753 100.97 101.52 2,627
05-Jul-2013 Crude10 SE13 US$ Per Barrel 101.10 102.00 100.56 101.35 285 100.82 101.35 1,457
05-Jul-2013 Crude10 OC13 US$ Per Barrel 100.00 100.80 99.50 100.24 22 99.68 100.24 129
05-Jul-2013 Crude100 AU13 US$ Per Barrel 101.50 102.20 100.76 101.52 166 100.97 101.52 400
05-Jul-2013 Crude100 SE13 US$ Per Barrel 100.90 101.50 100.57 101.35 7 100.82 101.35 123
05-Jul-2013 Crude100 OC13 US$ Per Barrel 99.68 100.24 99.68 100.24 - 99.68 100.24 4
05-Jul-2013 SL100OZ AU13 US$ Per Ounce 19.53 19.53 19.21 19.21 - 19.53 19.21 -
05-Jul-2013 SL100OZ SE13 US$ Per Ounce 19.30 19.55 19.00 19.22 165 19.54 19.22 319
05-Jul-2013 SL100OZ OC13 US$ Per Ounce 19.57 19.57 19.25 19.25 - 19.57 19.25 -
05-Jul-2013 SL10 AU13 US$ Per Ounce 19.53 19.53 19.21 19.21 - 19.53 19.21 -
05-Jul-2013 SL10 SE13 US$ Per Ounce 19.49 19.55 19.00 19.22 540 19.54 19.22 1,097
05-Jul-2013 SL10 OC13 US$ Per Ounce 19.57 19.57 19.25 19.25 - 19.57 19.25 -
05-Jul-2013 SL500OZ AU13 US$ Per Ounce 19.53 19.53 19.21 19.21 - 19.53 19.21 -
05-Jul-2013 SL500OZ SE13 US$ Per Ounce 19.52 19.56 19.02 19.22 61 19.54 19.22 223
05-Jul-2013 SL500OZ OC13 US$ Per Ounce 19.57 19.57 19.25 19.25 - 19.57 19.25 -
05-Jul-2013 GO1OZ AU13 US$ Per Ounce 1,249.00 1,251.90 1,231.50 1,236.40 1,672 1,249.60 1,236.40 1,724
05-Jul-2013 GO1OZ SE13 US$ Per Ounce 1,247.00 1,252.50 1,232.70 1,236.80 1,207 1,250.10 1,236.80 1,338
05-Jul-2013 GO1OZ OC13 US$ Per Ounce 1,250.00 1,252.10 1,233.00 1,237.60 245 1,250.60 1,237.60 264
05-Jul-2013 GO10OZ AU13 US$ Per Ounce 1,247.30 1,251.10 1,231.90 1,236.40 163 1,249.60 1,236.40 98
05-Jul-2013 GO10OZ SE13 US$ Per Ounce 1,244.00 1,249.20 1,233.10 1,236.80 62 1,250.10 1,236.80 61
05-Jul-2013 GO10OZ OC13 US$ Per Ounce 1,242.00 1,251.00 1,233.70 1,237.60 36 1,250.60 1,237.60 50
05-Jul-2013 GO100OZ AU13 US$ Per Ounce 1,246.10 1,249.80 1,236.40 1,236.40 12 1,249.60 1,236.40 15
05-Jul-2013 GO100OZ SE13 US$ Per Ounce 1,250.10 1,250.10 1,236.80 1,236.80 - 1,250.10 1,236.80 -
05-Jul-2013 GO100OZ OC13 US$ Per Ounce 1,246.00 1,246.00 1,237.60 1,237.60 1 1,250.60 1,237.60 3
05-Jul-2013 GOLD JY13 Per 10 grms 40,602.00 40,602.00 40,172.00 40,172.00 - 40,602.00 40,172.00 -
05-Jul-2013 GOLD AU13 Per 10 grms 40,595.00 40,595.00 40,168.00 40,168.00 - 40,595.00 40,168.00 1
05-Jul-2013 GOLD SE13 Per 10 grms 40,632.00 40,632.00 40,202.00 40,202.00 - 40,632.00 40,202.00 -
05-Jul-2013 GOLDKILO JY13 Per 10 grms 40,569.00 40,569.00 40,139.00 40,139.00 - 40,569.00 40,139.00 -
05-Jul-2013 GOLDKILO AU13 Per 10 grms 40,563.00 40,563.00 40,136.00 40,136.00 - 40,563.00 40,136.00 -
05-Jul-2013 TGOLD50 JY13 Per Tola 47,319.00 47,319.00 46,817.00 46,817.00 - 47,319.00 46,817.00 -
05-Jul-2013 TGOLD100 AU13 Per Tola 47,312.00 47,312.00 46,814.00 46,814.00 - 47,312.00 46,814.00 -
05-Jul-2013 MINIGOLD MON Per 10 grms 41,814.00 41,814.00 41,389.00 41,389.00 - 41,814.00 41,389.00 -
05-Jul-2013 MINIGOLD TUE Per 10 grms 41,846.00 41,846.00 41,420.00 41,420.00 - 41,846.00 41,420.00 -
05-Jul-2013 MINIGOLD WED Per 10 grms 41,856.00 41,856.00 41,430.00 41,430.00 - 41,856.00 41,430.00 -
05-Jul-2013 MINIGOLD THU Per 10 grms 41,866.00 41,866.00 41,441.00 41,441.00 - 41,866.00 41,441.00 -
05-Jul-2013 MINIGOLD FRI Per 10 grms 41,804.00 41,804.00 41,451.00 41,451.00 - 41,804.00 41,451.00 -
05-Jul-2013 TOLAGOLD MON Per Tola 48,600.00 48,932.00 48,100.00 48,392.00 28 48,892.00 48,392.00 29
05-Jul-2013 TOLAGOLD TUE Per Tola 48,298.00 48,298.00 48,296.00 48,296.00 1 48,896.00 48,296.00 3
05-Jul-2013 TOLAGOLD WED Per Tola 48,734.00 48,734.00 48,301.00 48,301.00 1 48,902.00 48,301.00 2
05-Jul-2013 TOLAGOLD THU Per Tola 48,250.00 48,703.00 48,250.00 48,306.00 3 48,906.00 48,306.00 2
05-Jul-2013 TOLAGOLD FRI Per Tola 48,610.00 48,610.00 48,311.00 48,311.00 4 48,886.00 48,311.00 4
05-Jul-2013 SUGAR JY13 Per kg 47.05 47.05 47.04 47.04 - 47.05 47.04 -
05-Jul-2013 WHEAT JY13 Per 100 kg 3,361.00 3,361.00 3,360.00 3,360.00 - 3,361.00 3,360.00 -
05-Jul-2013 IRRI6W 11JY13 Per 100 kg 3,681.00 3,681.00 3,681.00 3,681.00 - - 3,681.00 -
05-Jul-2013 RICEIRRI6 JY13 Per 100 kg 3,685.00 3,685.00 3,684.00 3,684.00 - 3,685.00 3,684.00 -
05-Jul-2013 RICEIRRI6 AU13 Per 100 kg 3,720.00 3,720.00 3,719.00 3,719.00 - 3,720.00 3,719.00 -
05-Jul-2013 RICEIRRI6 SE13 Per 100 kg 3,743.00 3,743.00 3,743.00 3,743.00 - 3,743.00 3,743.00 -
05-Jul-2013 PALMOLEIN JY13 Per Maund 4,422.00 4,422.00 4,421.00 4,421.00 - 4,422.00 4,421.00 -
05-Jul-2013 KIBOR3M SE13 Per Rs. 100 90.94 90.94 90.94 90.94 - 90.94 90.94 -
05-Jul-2013 KIBOR3M SE13 Per Rs. 100 90.94 90.94 90.94 90.94 - 90.94 90.94 -

NOTE: Traded Volume reflects the trades from 04:00 pm of previous day to 04:00 pm of current day.

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