Deputy Speaker Punjab Assembly Sardar Sher Ali Gorchani said on the instructions of Chief Minister Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif as many as 25 thousand Eid gifts amounting to Rs 40 million have been sent to Awaran Balochistan for earthquake affected. On the first day of Eid, 12 thousand Eid gifts and 500 packets of sweets were provided through helicopter and 10 trucks.
This was stated by him while talking to military officers at Awaran on the first day of Eid. Member Punjab Assembly, Waheed Gul, Brigade Commander Ibrar Ahmed, Commissioner Turbat Muhammad Akbar, Deputy Commissioner Awaran and Director Co-ordination PDMA Muhammad Nisar were also present. Sardar Sher Ali Gorchani said earthquake affected would not be left alone and Punjab government would provide all possible assistance till their complete rehabilitation.
On second day of Eidul Azha, Members Punjab Assembly, Mansha Ullah Butt and Atif Mazari reached Awaran with seven thousand Eid gifts. They handed over Eid gifts to the civil administration of Balochistan on behalf of Punjab government. Political Secretary to Chief Minister Balochistan Khair Muhammad Jamali, Deputy Commissioner Awaran and officers of military and civil administration were also present.