Bears dominated the money market on Saturday as all commercial centres reopened trading after closure of four-day holidays on account of Eidul Azha, dealers said. The rupee shed 10 paisa against the dollar for buying and selling at Rs 106.20 and Rs 106.30, they added. According to the currency dealers, the dollar was opened on a healthy sign and kept on rising following fresh buying. The dollar was ended higher at Rs 106.25 and Rs 106.90 as its buying and selling rates against Rs 106.00 and Rs 106.25 of Monday, respectively.
Open Bid Rs 106.20
Open Offer Rs 106.40
Similarly, the Pak rupee remained under pressure and was declined against the pound sterling. The pound was purchased and sold at Rs 168.50 and Rs 170.00 compared with previous closing of Rs 166.00 and Rs 166.25, respectively, the dealers added.
The dollar opened at Rs 106.60 (buying) and selling Rs 106.70 (selling) against last rate. It observed no change in the second session and closed at Rs 106.60 (buying) and selling Rs 106.70 (selling).
Pound Sterling opened at Rs 169 (buying) and Rs 169.50 (selling) against same last rate. It closed at the same rate without further change by the end of evening session.