Anusha Rahman, Minister of State for IT and Telecom on Wednesday chaired a meeting regarding establishment of Tele-centres in rural areas, which was attended by Akhlaq Tarrar, Secretary IT, Senior Officials from USF, and a team of senior officials from Nadra led by Tariq Malik Chairman, Nadra.
During the meeting it was decided that Tele-centres, so established, would offer several e-services such as e-health, e-learning, e-commerce, e-agriculture etc to facilitate people of un-served, underserved and far-flung areas. It will create local employment and entrepreneurship opportunities and extend broadband to provide distance education and ICT literacy. The Tele-centre, in addition, will house biometric verification of SIM cards, Computerised National Identity Cards (CNIC), birth/death registration and computer training for the youth of the nation.-PR