Commissioner Karachi, Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui on Wednesday said all inhabitants of the metropolis as well as concerned civic agencies are yet to adequately realise that Karachi falls in a seismic zone. Chairing a meeting in his office on Wednesday to review measures required for mandatory adoption of earth-quake proof infrastructural development schemes, with specific reference to residential, commercial buildings and road network, he regretted that people generally appeared to be indifferent towards their city's earth-quake prone location.
"We may not have undergone any major earth-quake related calamity but are high in risk is a fact that can not be simply ignored," said the Commissioner of Karachi. He said each and every section must be fully conscious of their respective responsibilities and concerted efforts are required to avert possible destruction. Commissioner, Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui on the occasion urged heads of concerned departments responsible for construction and approval of building plans in the city to ensure that all development schemes strictly comply with standard seismic zone criterion.
He reiterated that close co-ordination is necessarily and urgently required for the protection of the city that happens to be the business hub of the country, source of employment for millions and home to several other millions. "We can neither make any compromise on the developmental needs of the city nor can turn it hostage to development at the cost of precious human lives and property," said Commissioner Karachi. He said an efficient mass awareness programme is also urgently needed, without creating unnecessary scare, for a public demand among Karachiites about their protection against natural calamities.