A solar irrigation plant was inaugurated by Canadian High Commissioner to Pakistan, Greg Giokas on Thursday in Khushpur village situated in the Faisalabad district. Khushpur village comprises of a total area of 2000 acres of agricultural land, of which until now 45 percent has been arid and salty due to the lack of water supply.
The Canadian high commissioner was accompanied by Denis Chouinard, Counsellor Trade and Political, Attiya Hidayat, from the Canadian High Commission, and hosted by Dr Paul Jacob Bhatti, former minister of National Harmony and Chairman of Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial Trust (SBMT), All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA).
Dr Paul Jacob Bhatti speaking on the occasion said that this solar irrigation project has been supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Canada. He further said that Canada Fund for Local Initiatives has funded this project through the Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial Trust for the people of Khushpur to support their agriculture.
He further said that solar irrigation project will bring significant changes in the lives of the people of Khushpur, empowering them through providing a sustainable income with the production of crops and dairy, on land that was once arid and now will become fertile.