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China plans to build ‘palace’ on moon powered by sun

China’s space authority has revealed that it is planning to build a research station on moon for astronauts to live
26 Apr, 2018

China’s space authority has revealed that it is planning to build a research station on moon for astronauts to live in and for research purposes, which will get its energy from the sun.

In order to mark China’s third Space Day, a video was released by the China National Space Administration detailing the construction and operation plans of a manned lunar scientific research station to be set up on moon.

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The manned moon base will help exploring the lunar surface along with acting as a launch pad for Mars missions. As per China Daily, it is shown in the video that the lunar outpost will have multiple interconnected tube cabins that will provide oxygen to the scientists residing inside it, conducting their research. Also, one of the facilities is that major energy sources will be solar powered. A lunar palace module was shown in the video as follows.

The administration said in the video, “We believe that the Chinese nation’s dream of residing in a ‘lunar palace’ will soon become a reality.”

The schedule for the construction of the new base or details about operation of the station has not yet been revealed, however, the video also stated that China intends to explore the two lunar poles. Furthermore, this is the first time China had made public plans regarding a lunar outpost, wrote The Telegraph.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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