Govt presents business friendly budget: ICCI

29 Apr, 2018

While talking to General Secretary, Traders Welfare Association (TWA), G-10 Markaz, Islamabad Sardar Abid Yousaf, here on Sunday, Senior Vice President Muhammad Naveed Malik said the government has presented a balanced budget as it has provided sufficient tax relief on the income of individuals by making significant enhancement in tax threshold.

On the occasion he assured that ICCI would fully cooperate with TWA G-10 Markaz in resolving key issues of traders. Speaking at the occasion, Sardar Abid Yousaf said that CDA was paying no attention to the development works in markets due to which the condition of basic infrastructure in markets has deteriorated. He said Director DMA being an outsider was taking no interest in resolving the major issues of the city.

He urged Chairman CDA to replace Director DMA forthwith with a dedicated and honest officer who could play role in resolving issues.

Sardar Abid Yousaf stressed that CDA should pay close attention to resolving major problems of G-10 Markaz to facilitate the traders in growth of business activities.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2018




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