Apropos 'Musharraf appears in court, a victory for assertive judiciary', carried by Business Recorder yesterday, it is heartening to note that former President of Pakistan has returned to the dock. That he was not unwilling to appear in a special court is now a stark reality that has found its best expression in his presence in the courtroom where he saluted the honourable judges.
Business Recorder news report also tells us that after reserving its verdict, the three-member bench trying Musharraf in high treason case went for a short break when Musharraf entered the courtroom, in blue Kameez and white Shalwar. His counsel started clapping upon his arrival and he (Musharraf) shook hands with every member of his legal team and embraced Sahibzada Ahmed Raza Kasuri, who has been stoutly defending his client in the courtroom and on TV screens, before Musharraf occupied the accused's seat.
Whatever happened in the court on Tuesday has clearly contributed to widely-held perception that our higher judiciary is an increasingly assertive judiciary. The situation, therefore, requires Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to skilfully navigate between a wary military and a fiercely independent judiciary.