Captive power plants in Sindh province are consuming 20 percent of total SSGC's gas consumption, due to which domestic consumers and CNG industry have been facing severe gas crises, it was learnt on Wednesday.
"SSGC was deliberately creating gas crisis across the province, I believe, that available gas to SSGC network from the fields, is sufficient for meeting requirements of all associated sectors including domestic consumers but the company lacked proper gas supply mechanism," claimed Chairman, All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) Sindh Zone, Shabbir Sulaiman , while talking to Business Recorder.
According to Sui Southern Gas Company's annual audit book for the year 2012-2013, stated that domestic consumers use 26 percent of SSGC's total gas consumption, cement industry consumes 1 percent, fertilizer 4 percent, general industry 20 percent, commercial sector 3 percent, while CNG sector, which consumes only 7.84 percent is especially being targeted for load shedding, whereas captive power consumes 20 percent and general industries' shares is 21 percent of the total consumption, he claimed.
There is a huge difference on the prices of per mmbtu gas availability between CNG industry and captive power, as Captive power was getting per mmbtu gas for Rs 500 from SSGC while CNG industry was receiving the same for Rs 700, he said. He said as per Supreme Court order dated 10th December' 2013 " saying that the policy must be revised and without any justification they cannot be allowed supply of gas to produce electricity because they supply electricity at much higher than the Nepra rate instead of subsidised rate to NTDC therefore supply of gas to captive power plants should be revised to a lower priority and not at subsidised rate," he added.