The rupee managed to hold the overnight levels in terms of the dollar in the process of trading, dealers said. The rupee slipped by one-paisa against the dollar for buying and selling at Rs 104.90 and Rs 104.92 respectively, they said.
In the fourth Asian trade, the yen dropped against its major counterparts on Tuesday, after the Bank of Japan held policy steady as expected and extended a special lending program to support the economy. The BOJ maintained its upbeat economic assessment, suggesting no further easing steps are on the near-term horizon.
The dollar was trading against the Indian rupee at Rs 62.18, the greenback was at 3.2985 in terms of the Malaysian ringgit and the US currency was at 6.0673 in relation to the Chinese yuan. Interbank buy/sell rates for the taka against the dollar on Tuesday: 77.75-77.75 (77.75-77.75). Call Money Rates: 06.75-08.28 percent (previous 05.50-08.25 percent).
Open Bid Rs 104.90
Open Offer Rs 104.92
Bid Rate Rs 105.30
Offer Rate Rs 105.50
According to the currency dealers, the dollar was opened on a healthy note and registered gain following fresh buying. At close, the dollar was ended higher at Rs 105.75 and Rs 106.00 on buying and selling side against Rs 105.65 and Rs 105.90 of Wednesday, respectively, the dealers said.
However, the rupee maintained upward slide and appreciated its worth against the pound sterling. The pound was purchased and sold at Rs 175.75 and Rs 176.10, compared with day earlier closing of Rs 176.50 and Rs 176.75, respectively, they added.
The dollar opened at Rs 106 for buying and Rs 106.25 for selling against last rate. It did not observe further change in the second session and closed at Rs 106 for buying and Rs 106.25 for selling.
Pound Sterling opened at Rs 173 for buying and Rs 173.50 for selling against same last rate. It closed at the same rate without further change by the end of evening session.