Like other parts of the globe‚ 'World Scouts Day' was observed here on Saturday with a resolve to encourage scouts movement. The basic purpose is build the character of our youth, promote their physical mental, spiritual development and making them well disciplined, useful and good citizens.
The observance of the day is to pay tribute to the founder of the scouting movement Lord Stephenson Smith Powell and his followers who provided the youth an organised platform to render their services for the welfare of their fellow beings. To mark the day, different gatherings were held in which speakers commended the entire scouts' fraternity, especially the scouts of Pakistan, for their continued services to the humanity and also for serving as a source of inspiration to the young people.
It may be noted that the Scouting movement in Pakistan is governed by the Pakistan Boy Scouts Association Ordinance, 1959. There can be many reasons for the poor understanding of the community service concept in Pakistan, but one of the major ones is the priorities we have set as a nation.
In a country like Pakistan, speakers said volunteering should be part of the academic curriculum and must be taught as a subject, like the now defunct National Cadet Course, which used to be compulsory for every college student. They also lauded valuable services that our scouts have been rendering for the welfare of their fellow brethren.